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Noëllie, experienced and compassionate midwife

Welcome !

Midwife since 2014, I look forward to accompanying you in this extraordinary and confusing adventure that is pregnancy and the birth of your child.

I am passionate about supporting physiology and psycho-emotional support for couples in this trip. I listen, discuss, reassure and bring you solutions adapted to your needs by proposing natural methods as a priority, while ensuring well-being and safety for you and your baby.

For pregnancies that are no longer physiological, but involve special conditions for the parent or the child, this emotional support is just as important and I have many tools to help you move forward in this pregnancy in the most serene way possible until the meeting with your baby as well as after returning home.

With my recent professional experience at the Rosie Hospital, I accompany you knowing the recommendations and protocols currently in force within this hospital.


Initial education

♦ 2014 Midwifery Degree (5 years of study) – France

Additional continuing education

♦ 2023, 2022, 2021 Breastfeeding support

♦ 2023 Safeguarding children, levels 1&2

♦ 2023 Safeguarding adults, levels 1&2

♦ 2022 Equality, Diversity and Human Rights

♦ 2019 N'Féraïdo®: massage accompanying well-treatment inspired by osteopathy

♦ 2018 Aromatherapy during pregnancy, postpartum and for newborns

♦ 2018 Postnatal home visits: mother and child care and breastfeeding support

♦ 2017 Perinatal hypnosis

♦ 2017 Support for the sensitive postpartum period

♦ 2017 First day breastfeeding

♦ 2016 Babywearing in a sling

Continuing medical education

♦ 2024, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2016 Newborn basic life support

♦ 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 Adult Basic Life Support

♦ 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 Adult First Aid

Professional experience
Actions Santé Femmes, humanitarian mission in French Guiana

♦ 2014 Maternity Hospital les Bluets – Paris - France

♦ 2014 Joseph Imbert Maternity Hospital – Arles - France

♦ 2014-15 Mayotte Maternity Hospital: Mamoudzou main hospital and Dzoumougné rural dispensary – French overseas department

♦ 2016-19 'Le Petit Prince' - Maison de Naissance, Fribourg, Switzerland (continuity of care, continuity of carer and birth centre)

♦ 2020 Theatre Support Worker in neurotheatres – Addenbrookes Hospital – Cambridge UK

♦ 2021 Midwifery Assistant, elective caesarean section – Rosie Hospital – Cambridge UK

♦ 2022-23 Rotational midwife (Delivery Unit, Birth Centre,  antenatal and labour induction ward/Sara Ward, postnatal ward/Lady Mary Ward) – Rosie Hospital – Cambridge UK

Humanitarian missions as a Midwife

♦ 2012 Boromo – Burkina Faso

♦ 2020 Cayenne - French Guiana

♦ Regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (UK) since 2020

♦ Member of the National College of the Order of Midwives (CNOSF France) since 2010.

♦ Follows national (NICE) and international (WHO) recommendations and in collaboration with the Rosie Hospital to provide the most appropriate care according to the most recent studies.

♦ Member of and insured by the Royal College of Nursing.

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